Why do Black Replacement Windows Cost So Much?

Why Do Black Replacement Windows Cost So Much?
You may wonder – Why do black replacement windows cost so much and can I afford them? Did you ever drive around your neighborhood, see those trendy new black windows, and think, wow those are nice black windows, how much do they cost? So, you decide to get an estimate from a reputable window dealer in your area and about fell over when you got the price on the black windows. We will shed some light on what drives up the price of black windows and custom color replacement windows so you don’t have to wonder why black replacement windows cost so much?
Are Black Replacement Windows the Right Choice for My Home?
A few years ago there were no black vinyl window options available. The choice was only between white, beige and clay with people choosing white well over 90% of the time. There’s a reason every window manufacturer makes white their standard color, it’s the most popular and most affordable choice. But, now we have black and bronze windows as an option. As well as custom-painted exterior colors.
At Protex Remodeling, we use both white and black windows in our customers’ homes. They are both excellent choices if you’re searching for new modern windows. White is the most popular window color for most projects. Yet, for some projects, black windows are the better choice.
Why choose black windows or a custom-painted color?
Contrast. If the siding is light and I want more contrast, I use black, bronze or custom colored windows.
Modern. Black windows are an ultra modern look, which is often the style our customer wants for their home. Keep in mind, black windows are also trendy and have not proven themselves as a long term, viable option when it comes to UV exposure and may fade more over time.
Style. If your home is modern, transitional or a modern farmhouse, then black windows or a custom exterior color is your best choice.
Cost. Usually, 20-35% more than standard colors, so your project needs to budget for them.
Why do Black Replacement Windows Cost so Much More?
At Protex Remodeling we often get the question, why do black replacement windows cost so much more than other windows? The answer is, black replacement windows are a larger investment than standard replacement window colors and here are some reasons why. Colored window frames of any kind add complexity to the manufacturing process, sometimes outsourcing adds to the cost of manufacturing. Instead of relying on replacement window extrusion where the color is solid all the way through. Manufacturers have to remove the black window frames from the production line and paint them or laminate the frames with durable foil laminates. The machinery involved in manufacturing black windows is expensive and requires skilled labor to operate.
Most manufacturers that paint their windows use a special bonding agent. As well as expensive special paints, engineered to perform on their specific window material. Some vinyl extrusion manufacturers use what’s called Co-Extruded frame, or Foil Wrap frame. This is a manufacturing process where the bonding of color adds to the extrusion of the black window frames. Co-extruded vinyl windows are more durable and last longer than a painted exterior. Think of it as a laminated kitchen countertop. So next time you ask yourself why do black replacement windows cost so much? Remember these facts.
Manufacturing Challenges of Black Window Frames
The up-charge for choosing black-framed windows or custom-colored window frames is here to stay and olny getting more costly as technology progresses. Until manufacturers launch black as a color additive blended into the vinyl extrusion in a similar fashion that produces white, beige, and clay windows. Black windows will continue to increase in cost.
The Challenges with Black Windows in Texas
The number one challenge with why black replacement windows cost so much in Texas, is the heat build-up on the window frames and the effects of UV radiation on the color. Depending on the color and material, the window frame can exceed 210 degrees in the summer heat. The increased temperature of the black window frame puts extra stress on the glass. Often, this can shorten the life of the insulated glass unit and increase seal failures. Plus, with vinyl windows, if not installed to manufacturers’ specifications, the heat buildup may cause the frames to twist. Plus, with aluminum windows, the danger of getting a burn from touching the hot window frame is a concern.
Another challenge is window fading from sun’s UV damage. Painted windows are going to fade much faster than a co-extruded window. Both painted and co-extruded windows, depending on the manufacturer, will only give you a 15 year warranty against fading. Keep in mind, that most vinyl window manufacturers have not been making black windows for 15 years. This is an arbitrary number at best. Your black replacement windows may last much longer. No one knows yet. Aluminum manufacturers have been making dark color replacement windows for decades. Aluminum replacement windows will chalk and fade with time. When that happens, there is no way to fix them.
The final challenges with black vinyl windows in Texas are the sealants used in the installation process. Most Texas window installers are going to use the least expensive sealants they can find. When it comes to the effects of heat and UV, sealants have the same issues that black frames do. It is imperative that you use a high quality sealant like OSI Quad Max when inatalling any color window. Not only do OSI sealants last longer and perorm better. They are covered by a 15 year no leak warranty when your new windows are installed by an OSI certified installer like ProTex Remodeling.
How Much Does a Black Replacement Window Cost?
So, why do black windows cost so much? The answer varies, as all manufacturing processes are different. Some manufacturers will paint the interior and exterior of their window surfaces. While most vinyl replacement window manufacturers only offer a black exterior with a white interior. Plus, aluminum replacement windows come in both black and bronze extrusion. These different replacement window color options are shown in the price. Here are price ranges of what a black window frame may add to the cost of a standard replacement window, by manufacturer and material type.
Vinyl with a white interior with black co-extruded exterior. $225.00–$295.00 per window
Vinyl with a white or tan interior with a painted exterior. $265.00–$350.00 per window
Fiberglass with a painted exterior. $300–$425.00 per window
Fiberglass with a painted interior and exterior. $350.00–$450.00 per window
Fibrex with a painted exterior. $275.00–$375.00 per window
Fibrex with a painted interior and exterior. $325.00–$475.00 per window
Wood with an exterior cladding. $350.00–$700.00 per window.
Aluminum windows in black or bronze. $175.00–$5300.00 per window
In Summary: Are Black Replacement Windows the Best Choice for Me?
At Protex Remodeling, you should always get what you want, including black vinyl windows, as long as it fits into your budget and vision. We make buying Black Replacement Windows Hassle-Free with easy, great financing options. Your new black vinyl windows are closer than you think to becoming a reality. The only thing you should be cautious of, is the manufacturer’s warranty for black vinyl replacement windows and fading being shorter than the standard lifetime warranty found on most vinyl windows..
Your new replacement window project is a substantial investment, no matter what color you choose. I would recommend using a high quality manufacturer like Vistamark Windows for your project for this reason. All of our Factory Direct Vistamark Windows, no matter the color, will make your home more effecient. Plus, your home will now have the curb appeal that will make your neighbors jealous.
When debating why do black replacement windows cost so much, you must understand the difference between a good and a bad installation. Here is a link to our post on installations. For black replacement window styling and options, ProTex Remodeling offers only the best choices for your home. You can see our installations on the ProTex Remodeling YouTube channel.
Questions regarding your black replacement windows?
We are here to help! Head over to our contact us page and we’ll get your black replacement window questions answered immediately!